Running a business isn’t just you. Even if it’s just you. Even if you’re a sole proprietor. I could probably write entire entry on how your family and friends are also part of your business but maybe that will come out in the future.
- A tax accountant — I’m not talking about a big box store that you drop off your receipts and wait for a return. I’m talking about a relationship. Where you possibly meet quarterly or monthly (depending on what you’re trying to create) to discuss planning and growth or sustainability. They should be able to guide you in scaling and growth.
- An attorney — This type of relationship will depend on what your business looks like. Do you have employees, shared space, or independent contractors? Regardless of the other people in the space you work, I highly advise consulting an attorney any time you sign an agreement. This is to ensure you aren’t signing anything you shouldn’t. And honestly, attorneys are like translators. Have you read a legal document? It’s like reading a different language. Ensure you have someone who knows what these business concepts should be like.
- Financial Planner — I’ve now been a part of two estate situations. And, I must say that a financial planner should make sure you are organizing your estate to maximize your wealth but also have things organized in the event you die. Not fun to talk about but necessary. I also have a lot of thoughts and feelings about who should be your financial planner, but that’s for a different conversation.
Running a business should not be ‘money in, money out.” You should treat your business like an investment that you need to nurture. Like certain kinds of plants. Not the ones you water once a week and they don’t die. But a plant that you need to water and prune and move around to get optimal sunlight. (I have a few of those kinds of plants. hehe)
If your school toted the idea that massage is a great and easy business to start because of little overhead and lots of profit–this isn’t wrong, but it’s not the whole story. If you want more information on how to budget and plan for your business and which relationships to build, reach out to me, let’s schedule a call.