Hi! I’ve been wanting to do a case study for years and I’m just now getting the space to do it! Hooray! I contacted the Massage Therapy Foundation to ensure I understood the process and they sent me a 5 part webinar to watch. It’s been super informative and helpful!
One of the points mentioned was that simple case studies are the most informative.
And when published to the IJTMB they also post to pub med and other scholarly resources where doctors and other professions may be seeking alternative solutions for their patients. In other words, increasing the exposure and understanding of what we (barefoot massage therapists) actually do in session and possibly how we can help.
And example of something simple would be: Barefoot massage showed improvement in low back pain. And then there’s way to go about showing your work. But if someone were to search for low back pain, your case study could show up.
Another valuable point made was that sometimes nil or finding nothing is just as valuable as positive or negative findings.
So—I ask of you… anyone have an interest is creating a case study? I would love to see a small group of us working together to understand the process and check each other’s work.
Here is the first video in the webinar series.